
How to wear a boutonnière (AKA buttonhole)

By 2023-08-30 July 22nd, 2024 No Comments

A boutonnière is a single flower or arrangement of several small buds that is worn on the buttonhole of a coat or jacket. It is pinned to the left lapel, lower than the tie, but above the pocket square and should be angled towards the left shoulder.

Boutonnières are generally worn by the groom, groomsmen, ushers, and the bride and groom’s fathers, however getting the right placement can require practice!

Groom wearing a beige suite with a boutonnière (buttonhole) pinned to his left jacket lapel

Here’s how to pin one on:

1. Place the boutonniere on your left lapel, between your collar and pocket square, angled towards the left shoulder.

2. From the back of the lapel, pinch the fabric to envelope the stem (like holding a taco).

3. From the top down, use a long pin to secure the stem to the lapel, piercing through fabric, then the stem and back through the fabric again. Then you’re good to go!